Home Tutorial Why WordPress is Good for StartUps

Why WordPress is Good for StartUps

by admin

wordpress is good for startupsAre you wondering if WordPress is good for StartUps? Are you a startup looking for a new site launch or redesign? Have you worked with WordPress before but wonder if it can handle all your company is looking to do? Are you considering moving away from Drupal, Squarespace or Wix?

There are plenty of reasons why we believe WordPress is ideal for a startup however, here are a few that we often speak to when a new client reaches out and wants to discuss their decision.

Advantages of choosing WordPress

One page vs. multi page site design

One page websites can be ideal for startups launching a new product or service.  The beauty of WordPress is once your startup business evolves the functionality of your website can be extended.

Customization & scalability

With WordPress being the most used CMS in the world it continues to attract many businesses for its ability to be highly customized and scaled.


There is no guarantee for high rankings in the search engines, but WordPress provides you some effective tools in the form of plugins (software extensions) that will equip you to adhere to best SEO practices.

Ease of use

WordPress has an intuitive dashboard and allows for content to be updated easily and seamlessly.


WordPress is also attractive for the many integrations it is compatible with such as social media, online software and analytic platforms.

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